Energy for life 2014-2015


“Energy for Life” is an environmental awareness programme that calls on fifteen remote destinations, spreading ideas, thoughts and insights of ecological interest to students as well as to the inhabitants of the places it visits.

The programme aims at informing and promoting awareness among the local communities concerning issues of respect and preservation of our environmental heritage, of sustainable development and of methods to manage our energy and resources, not just in theory, but mainly, in practice..

The programme is enacted by the non-profit civil society “Agoni Grammi Gonimi” with the sponsorship of the HELLENIC PETROLEUM, under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs; it has the support of the European Parliament and takes place between October and May.

NGOs, museums, cultural groups, institutions as well as societies which are interested in ecological matters or conservation, all cooperate in the organisation of the workshops.


September 13, 2015


Campaigns, Identity, Illustrations, Online

AGONIGRAMMHGONIMH, Branding, energyforlife, Hellenic fuels, illustration